Five (5) benefits of being a certified installer

1- A Certified Installer is a Qualified Labor

Becoming a certified installer of AddendumCovers is neither hard nor easy.  We provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to be the best in the industry.  You end up with  the knowledge, skill, experience and time to produce high quality, long lasting successful installations using AddendumCovers products and process.

You will be able to leverage the distinction of being qualified by AddendumCovers in leveraging our industry network, opportunities as well as our intellectual property for your business benefit.

2- A Certified Installer Uses Only Appropriate Product and Process

You and AddendumCovers, sell you as the best in the business.  You leverage critical references for installation of our product line.  As a result, you will construct every aspect of your installations using the appropriate methods and details and product outlined by

3- Certified Installers / Professionals Educate Potential Clients

In your written proposals or applications, be sure to include the methods and details you will use in each aspect of your installation.  This educates potential clients/employers and helps them appreciate the benefits of working with a certified installation professional.

4- Be Sure to Flaunt Your AddendumCovers Installation Certification

We protect our brand and yours as well.  Very few are certified to be AddendumCover installation experts.  Its an advantage for you and your client/employer that you bring with you an AddendumCover certification.  Leverage our network for your benefit.

5- knows the film industry

Certified installers are proud to stay “in the know” and aware of the changes in the film industry and automotive services industry.  We help to keep you up to date and ahead of the competition.

To become an AddendumCovers Certified Professional please contact us at:

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